
Piece by Piece Therapies are looking forward to running a number of exciting workshops addressing commonly held concerns and queries about child and adolescent development, as well as parenting and support.

Each workshop will be underpinned with up-to-date psychological principles, theories and research. We understand that most individuals, parents and carers appreciate helpful tools and strategies that they can takeaway and use, so we will ensure to provide a number of these in each session.

In each workshop we hope to include a number of guest speakers, with their own specialisations, including: Speech Pathology, Youth Work, Social Work, Education and other disciplines of Psychology.

Examples of topics that will be discussed in upcoming workshops include;

  • Sleep

  • Academic Well-being

  • Anxiety

  • Sexual Health & Respectful Relationships

  • Depression

Make sure you check back here or complete you details in the ‘Contact’ section to be kept up to date with upcoming workshops!